It is mandatory for the providers of specific products who intend to get this certificate, to present required proof of their adherence to this act to the customs department of the Russian Federation before the launch of their products in the market under the Russian Federation. As part of GOST-R certificate approval procedure, a general review is done about all the products or services for which required proof has been submitted by their providers. This procedure is considered as the essential part of GOST-R certification work in the Russian Federation. The voluntary certificate under GOST-R procedure is given to the products that are considered to be not suitable for obligatory certificate as these products or services do not conform fully to the standards of GOST-R certification process.
In short, it can be said that the certification process of GOST-R is a way to determine the compliance of products as per the rules and regulations of the Russian Federation prior to their introduction in the market controlled by this federation. Benefits of GOST-R Certification:
The approval of this certificate simplifies market exposure to any product in the markets of Russia.
It assists organization to attain recognition in the market.
This certificate helps to reduce the possibility of loss for any certified organization.
The entire procedure of this certification system helps to save valuable time and money of an organization.
It ensures complete satisfaction of customers and consumers.